Send Data to Firebase Using Raspberry Pi

Send Data to Firebase Using Raspberry Pi


Firebase (Google's platform) is a mobile-backend-as-a-service that provides powerful features for building mobile apps. It has three core services: a realtime database, user authentication and hosting. In this tutorial, we will try to explore how to send data to Firebase using Raspberry Pi.


This video show how to send sensor data to Firebase using Raspberry Pi.

Hardware Preparation

This is the list of items used in the video.

Sample Program

This is python3 example program to read sensor data from MLX90614 and send it to the Firebase. It involves 3 libraries, you can install it through the following commands.

sudo pip3 install adafruit-blinka
sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-mlx90614
sudo pip3 install pyrebase

Thank You


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"Please be reminded, this tutorial is prepared for you to try and learn.
You are encouraged to improve the code for a better application."

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