From Rough to Smooth: How to Smooth PLA 3D Prints

From Rough to Smooth: How to Smooth PLA 3D Prints

3D printing enthusiasts constantly seek ways to improve the quality and appearance of their printed objects. One common challenge is the visibility of layer lines that result from the printing process. Thankfully, PLA smoothing offers a solution to transform rough prototypes into refined masterpieces.


PLA (Polylactic Acid) plastic is popular in 3D printing due to its affordability and eco-friendliness. However, it tends to exhibit noticeable layer lines that can diminish the overall quality of prints. PLA smoothing techniques provide effective methods to minimize these lines, resulting in smoother surfaces and professional finishes. In this guide, we will explore various PLA smoothing techniques to help you achieve outstanding results.



Source: makeitquick

Sanding is a popular and effective method for smoothing PLA 3D prints, reducing the visibility of layer lines, and improving the overall surface finish. The process involves gently abrading the print's surface using various grits of sandpaper. Here are some key points to keep in mind when sanding PLA prints:

  • Start with a coarse-grit sandpaper, such as 80 or 120, to remove prominent layer lines and roughness.
  • Gradually progress to finer grits, such as 220, 320, and 400, to smoothen the surface and eliminate scratches left by previous grits.
  • Consider wet sanding by using water to lubricate the surface and minimize dust. This can result in an even smoother finish.
  • Regularly inspect the print's surface while sanding to monitor progress and identify areas that require additional attention.
  • Finish the sanding process with the finest grit sandpaper available, such as 800 or 1000, to achieve a polished surface with minimal visible sanding marks.
  • After sanding, clean the print thoroughly to remove any dust or debris.

Sanding PLA prints requires patience and precision to avoid damaging the print. It is important to apply gentle pressure and maintain a consistent sanding motion. Additionally, wearing safety goggles and a dust mask is recommended to protect yourself from dust particles.


Heat Smoothing

Source: Tinkerine via YouTube

Heat smoothing is a technique used to achieve smoother surfaces on PLA 3D prints by applying controlled heat to melt and blend the layers together. The process involves using a heat source, such as a heat gun or blowtorch, to soften the PLA, allowing the layers to meld and reduce visible layer lines. Here are some key points to understand about heat smoothing:

  • Heat is applied gradually to the print, starting with a low temperature and increasing slowly to find the optimal heat level.
  • The heat source is moved back and forth over the print's surface, ensuring even heat distribution.
  • Care must be taken to avoid overheating or deforming the print. Monitoring the temperature and distance from the heat source is crucial.
  • Heat smoothing should be performed in a well-ventilated area and with appropriate safety gear, such as heat-resistant gloves and safety goggles.
  • After heat smoothing, the print is allowed to cool naturally, and the surface can be inspected for improvements in smoothness and overall appearance.

It is important to note that heat smoothing requires practice and caution to achieve desirable results without damaging the print. Not all designs may be suitable for heat smoothing, especially those with intricate or delicate features that could be affected by the heat. Conducting tests on small areas or sacrificial prints is recommended before applying the technique to important projects. Heat smoothing offers an alternative method for reducing visible layer lines and enhancing the surface finish of PLA 3D prints. By applying controlled heat, you can achieve smoother results that enhance the overall quality and aesthetic appeal of your prints.


Surface Coating


Surface coating is a technique used to improve the smoothness and appearance of PLA 3D prints by applying a thin layer of coating material. The coating serves multiple purposes, such as filling in imperfections, creating a uniform finish, and providing a protective layer. Here are some key points to understand about surface coating:

  • Various coating materials are available, including epoxy resin, polyurethane, acrylic varnish, or specialized 3D printing-specific coatings. These materials offer different properties, such as glossiness, transparency, or matte finish.
  • Surface preparation is important before applying the coating. The print's surface should be clean, dry, and free from dust or debris.
  • Coating can be applied using brushes, sponges, or sprays to achieve a thin and even layer. It's essential to avoid drips, runs, or excessive buildup.
  • The coating needs to cure or dry according to the manufacturer's instructions. This allows it to harden and develop its desired characteristics.
  • After drying, the coated surface can be evaluated for imperfections. If necessary, gentle sanding with fine-grit sandpaper can be done to achieve a smoother finish.
  • Additional coats of the same or different coatings can be applied, depending on the desired outcome.

Surface coating not only improves the smoothness of PLA prints but also provides protection against moisture, UV radiation, and physical abrasion. It allows for customization with different finishes and enhances the overall aesthetic appeal of the prints. When using coating materials, it's important to work in a well-ventilated area, follow safety guidelines, and use appropriate protective equipment as recommended by the manufacturer.

By utilizing surface coating techniques, you can enhance the overall quality, appearance, and durability of your PLA 3D prints, giving them a professional and polished finish.


Tips and Best Practices

Start with good print settings: Achieving smooth prints begins with proper print settings. Optimize your printer settings for PLA filament, including temperature, print speed, layer height, and cooling settings. This can help minimize visible layer lines from the outset.

Print at lower layer heights: Printing at lower layer heights can help reduce the visibility of layer lines. Experiment with different layer heights to find the optimal balance between print quality and printing time.

Use high-quality PLA filament: The quality and composition of the PLA filament can impact the final surface finish. Choose high-quality filaments from reputable manufacturers to ensure consistent and smooth results.

Implement proper cooling: Effective cooling during printing can contribute to smoother surfaces. Ensure that your printer's cooling fans are functioning correctly and positioned to provide sufficient airflow around the print.

Post-process immediately: Perform post-processing techniques, such as sanding, heat smoothing, or surface coating, as soon as possible after printing. Freshly printed PLA surfaces are easier to work with and may yield better results.

By following these tips and best practices, you can improve the surface finish of your PLA 3D prints and create visually appealing, professional-looking objects. Remember that each print may require a slightly different approach, so don't hesitate to adapt and experiment to achieve the best results



By following these guidelines and incorporating the tips and best practices provided, you can elevate the quality of your PLA 3D prints and achieve the smooth and professional finish you desire. With practice and patience, you'll be able to produce visually appealing objects that showcase the full potential of PLA filament and the capabilities of 3D printing technology.

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