Tutorial Search - Tag - Maker Uno

Metal and Wet Waste Separator Using Maker Uno

Metal and Wet Waste Separator Using Maker Uno

Waste separation is a good start to living a green life. Metal and wet waste are essential to be separated because sometimes the metal waste is dangerous if..
Maker Uno Portable GPS With DHT 11

Maker Uno Portable GPS With DHT 11

 Video Hardware PreparationThis is the list of items used in the video.Maker UNO: Simplifying Arduino for {Education}Base Shield V2NEO-M6 GPS and mi....
What is the oxygen level in your room?

What is the oxygen level in your room?

 Video Hardware PreparationThis is the list of items used in the video.Maker UNO: Simplifying Arduino for {Education}Base Shield V2Grove - O....
Maker UNO DHT11 Alphanumeric Display

Maker UNO DHT11 Alphanumeric Display

In this tutorial, it is demonstrated how to display the DHT11, temperature and humidity value on the alphanumeric display using Maker Uno.....
Is it possible to program Maker UNO with Python?

Is it possible to program Maker UNO with Python?

In this tutorial, it is demonstrated how we can program the Maker UNO using Python. Before this we have always use the Arduino IDE to program our Maker UNO but this time we have decided to use Python ..
K-Type Thermocouple With Maker UnoX And Blynk

K-Type Thermocouple With Maker UnoX And Blynk

In this simple video, it is demonstrated how to interface a K-Type thermocouple with Maker UnoX and display the temperature value on the 16x2 LCD and also using Blynk.....
Rainbow Spark in Mini House using Maker Uno.

Rainbow Spark in Mini House using Maker Uno.

Want to know how your house keep brighting using switch? Let us explore this project now by using Maker Uno !....
Control PikaBot Using a Phone Through Bluetooth

Control PikaBot Using a Phone Through Bluetooth

PikaBot is a special mobile robot based on Maker UNO and uses a paper box as the mobile robot base. This tutorial shows the guide and example code to control it..
USB Serial Communication Between Arduino and Raspberry Pi

USB Serial Communication Between Arduino and Raspberry Pi

Let's try to communicate between Arduino and Raspberry Pi through USB cable using Serial communication...
Interfacing Logitech Wireless Gamepad F710 Using Arduino

Interfacing Logitech Wireless Gamepad F710 Using Arduino

Do you want to try make your USB joystick as a remote control for your Arduino project? Try this...
Displaying Text Message on Dot Matrix Using Blynk and Arduino

Displaying Text Message on Dot Matrix Using Blynk and Arduino

Not familiar with Raspberry Pi? You can use Arduino to display text on dot matrix using Blynk app..
Measuring Distance Using Ultrasonic Sensor

Measuring Distance Using Ultrasonic Sensor

In this project I’m using an ultrasonic sensor that can precisely measure the distance to show how a beep sound come out when a car is reversed.  You will noticed that when the car is too n....
Program Maker UNO Using Chromebook

Program Maker UNO Using Chromebook

Chromebook user? Please check on this tutorial on how to program Maker UNO using Chromebook...
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