Tutorial Search - Tag - LED

How to Use OLED with micro:bit - Display Temperature and Humidity

How to Use OLED with micro:bit - Display Temperature and Humidity

Looking to add a little something extra to your micro:bit project? In this tutorial, we'll show you how to connect an OLED display to your micro:bit and display real-time temperature and humidity read..
Interfacing Maker Nano RP2040 with Grove LED Bar and Grove Slide Potentiometer

Interfacing Maker Nano RP2040 with Grove LED Bar and Grove Slide Potentiometer

 Video Hardware PreparationThe hardware setup for this tutorial is as shown below Maker Nano RP2040: Simplifying Projects with Raspberry Pi R....
Maker Nano Heartbeat Monitoring With Mlx30102

Maker Nano Heartbeat Monitoring With Mlx30102

 Video Hardware PreparationThis is the list of items used in the video.Maker Nano: Simplifying Arduino for ProjectMAX30102 Oximeter and Heart Rate Sensor ....
Raspberry Pi: LED Blinking using Python

Raspberry Pi: LED Blinking using Python

LED blinking is the first lesson for most microcontroller/electronics starters. Same as Raspberry Pi, the GPIO pins on a Raspberry Pi are a great way to interface physical devices like buttons and LED..
4x4x4 LED Cube using Arduino UNO without extra IC

4x4x4 LED Cube using Arduino UNO without extra IC

Introduction Good day, As we all know, an LED Cube is a bunch of LED that arranged in a cube shape that can perform some interesting lighting effects according to your program. In this tutorial, we ar..
RainbowBit – Smart RGB LED

RainbowBit – Smart RGB LED

It has been an exciting year back in 2013. Besides launching ReRo on indiegogo.com, we have been busy with the development of Robot Head To Toe, not to forget..


Dice, which all of us are normally will use it when playing a games especially monopoly. LED dice, interesting project using LED except from LED blinking...


Dice, which all of us are normally will use it when playing a games especially monopoly...
Project 1 – LED Blinking: LED Chaser

Project 1 – LED Blinking: LED Chaser

In project 1, you are about to experience how to program a LED chaser which can be increase the running speed by just a single button pushing...
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